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Hradec Králové

Public transport system in Hradec Králové

In Hradec Králové, you may use the network of buses and trolley buses, which covers the entire city. Individual tickets cost CZK 20. You may also arrange for an electronic city card and record transport tickets on it.

To find more information about the public transport system in Hradec Králové and to search for transport connections, visit the web page of Public Transport Company of Hradec Králové Inc.

Bicycle sharing

Similar to other European cities, a system of public bicycle sharing operates in Hradec Králové as well. You can find more information here.

Parking zones

Parking is paid for in the centre of Hradec Králové. A map with the marked parking areas can be found here

If you plan to park in these zones on a regular basis, you can apply for a parking card. You can find more information here

Last change: August 4, 2020 16:33 
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