For CU employees interested in learning Czech we offer the possibility to attend an intensive evening course free of charge. The course is organized by CU Staff Welcome Centre in cooperation with ILPS CU (ÚJOP).
The Czech language course is designed for international CU employees (not for students) at various language levels and beginners are encouraged to join. Upon enrolment, an initial placement test will assess your proficiency and recommend a compatible study group, ensuring your optimal language progress.
The CU covers the fee for each participant for one semester only. Absence up to 25% is tolerated. However, in order to benefit the most from this opportunity, please consider your time capacity before committing to the course.
Course registration takes place in August and September for winter semester and in December and January for summer semester. Registration opening is announced in the CU employee newsletter. Beyond the registration period, please let us know of your interest via email at
• February 6th to June 12th, 2025, every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30pm to 7pm (Except any public holidays)
• Location: ÚJOP at Voršilská 144/1, Praha 1.
The number of places is limited. If interested, please register here.
How to log into the portal: After opening the link above, the Charles University’s CAS login page will appear. Enter your personal sign-in credentials to enter and proceed with the registration.
You can also enroll to online evening courses of Czech language organized by the Faculty of Arts. University employees have a 10% discount on course fees. Please find more info here.
Hello |
Ahoj/Dobrý den |
Goodbye |
Na shledanou |
Good night |
Dobrou noc |
Please |
Prosím |
Thank you |
Děkuji |
You’re welcome |
Není zač |
I am sorry |
Promiň/te |
How are you? |
Jak se máš/máte? |
My name is |
Jmenuji se… |
Nice to meet you |
Jsem rád/a, že vás poznávám |
Where is…? |
Kde je …? |
I don’t know |
Nevím |
I don’t speak Czech |
Neumím česky. |
Do you speak English? |
Mluvíte anglicky? |
Today |
Dnes |
Tomorrow |
Zítra |
Yesterday |
Včera |
What time is it? |
Kolik je hodin? |
How much does it cost? |
Kolik to stojí? |
Staff Welcome Centre CU Point Charles University Celetná 13 116 36 Prague 1 Czech Republic |
Phone: (+420) 224 491 898 (+420) 224 491 897 E-mail: |