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Czech Language Courses

Czech Language Courses for International Employees

For employees interested in learning Czech we offer the possibility to attend an intensive evening course free of charge. The course is organized by CU Staff Welcome Center in cooperation with ILPS CU (ÚJOP).

The evening Czech language course is designed for international CU employees at various language levels and beginners are encouraged to join. Upon enrollment, an initial placement test will assess your proficiency and assign you to a compatible study group, ensuring your optimal language progress.

The course is intensive and classes take place 2 times per week for 5 months after working hours in the premises of ILPS in the centre of Prague near the National Theatre.

The CU covers the fee per one participant for one semester only. Limited absence is tolerated.

The course registration takes place in August and September for winter semester and in December and January for summer semester. All the information is always provided through CU employees' newsletter. In case of your interest outside of the registration period, please send us an email at .

You can also enroll to online evening courses of Czech language organized by the Faculty of Arts. University employees have a 10% discount on course fees. Please find more info here.

Useful Phrases in Czech


Ahoj/Dobrý den


Na shledanou

Good night

Dobrou noc



Thank you


You’re welcome

Není zač

I am sorry


How are you?

Jak se máš/máte?

My name is

Jmenuji se…

Nice to meet you

Jsem rád/a, že vás poznávám

Where is…?

Kde je …?

I don’t know


I don’t speak Czech

Neumím česky.

Do you speak English?

Mluvíte anglicky?







What time is it?

Kolik je hodin?

How much does it cost?

Kolik to stojí?

Last change: July 22, 2024 16:05 
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Staff Welcome Centre

CU Point

Charles University

Celetná 13

116 36 Prague 1

Czech Republic


(+420) 224 491 898

(+420) 224 491 897


How to Reach Us