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General practitioner

It is up to you to select a general practitioner. However, do not forget to check if the selected physician has signed a contract with your health insurance company. If needed, your general practitioner will send you to specialists or to a hospital for treatment.


The scope of care covered by general health insurance is limited. It is likely that you will need to pay extra for some procedures. Your dentist is required to acquaint you with the price of all types of treatment that are not covered by insurance and that you will need to pay out of your own pocket.

Psychological help

We offer counselling in English, free of charge for all CU employees. Should you need our help to deal with your work, family, personal or other problems, you are welcome to come to our Counselling Centre. Find more information here.

Important telephone numbers

In the event of a life-threatening emergency, call the emergency ambulance service – 112.

Healthcare in Prague

Healthcare in Plzeň

Healthcare in Hradec Králové

Healthcare in Prague

If you need to visit a general practitioner, a gynaecologist, or a dentist, you can contact the , who will provide you with an up-to-date list of doctors offering services in English. You can also contact this healthcare facility:

Prague Municipal Medical Centre

Spálená 12, 110 00 Prague 1; phone: +420 222 924 211;

If you are in need of emergency medical care, contact any hospital, polyclinic, or:

Na Homolce Hospital (Foreigners Department)

Roentgenova 2/37, 150 30 Prague 5, phone: +420 257 271 111 (switch-board); +420 257 273 289 (quick contact),+420 257 273 058 or +420 257 272 860 (central intake); e-mail: hospital@homolka.cz

Emergency medical services in Prague:

Prague 1

Prague Municipal Medical Centre

Spálená 12, phone: 222 924 295

Mon-Fri: 7 p.m.–6 a.m.

Sat, Sun, and holidays: non-stop

Prague 2

General University Hospital in Prague

U Nemocnice 2, phone: 224 967 777

Mon-Fri: 4 p.m.-7 a.m.

Sat, Sun, and holidays: non-stop

Prague 4

Thomayer Hospital with Medical Centre

Vídeňská 800, phone: 261 082 520, 603 566 584

Mon-Fri: 7 p.m.–6:30 a.m.

Sat, Sun, and holidays: non-stop

Prague 5

Motol university Hospital

V Úvalu 84, phone: 224 438 590

Mon-Fri: 7 p.m.–6:30 a.m.

Sat, Sun, and holidays: non-stop

Prague 6

Military University Hospital Prague

U Vojenské nemocnice 1200

phone: 973 203 571

Mon-Fri: 7 p.m.–7 a.m.

Sat, Sun, and holidays: non-stop

Prague 8

Bulovka Hospital

Budínova 2, phone: 266 083 301,303

Mon-Fri: 7 p.m.–6 a.m.

Sat, Sun, and holidays: non-stop

Prague 10

University Hospital Vinohrady

Šrobárova 50, phone: 267 163 778

Mon-Fri: 6:30 p.m.-11 p.m.

Sat, Sun, and holidays: 8 a.m.-8 p.m.

Emergency dental services in Prague:

Prague 1

Prague Municipal Medical Centre

Spálená 12, phone: 222 924 268

Mon-Thu: 7 p.m.–6 a.m.

Fri: 4 p.m.-6 a.m.

Sat, Sun, and holidays: non-stop

Prague 1

Na Františku Hospital (urgent dental cases)

Na Františku 847/8, phone: 222 801 346

Mon-Fri: 5:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.

Sat, Sun, and holidays: 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m., 3:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Prague 2

General University Hospital in Prague

(only dental surgery)

U nemocnice 2, phone: 224 962 723, 224 962 725, 224 963 138

Mon-Fri: 5 p.m.-7 a.m.

Sat, Sun, and holidays: non-stop

Prague 4

Thomayer Hospital with Medical Centre

Vídeňská 800, phone: 261 083 546, 730 578 741

Mon-Fri: 5:30 p.m.–10:30 p.m.

Sat, Sun, and holidays: 7:30 a.m.–10:30 p.m.

There are several clinics in Prague that specialize in English-speaking patients and provide a comprehensive network of services from basic treatment to arranging the accompaniment of patients during their visit to the hospital. These are private facilities and thus charge relatively high fees for their services.

Private clinics for foreign patients in Prague:

Prague 1

General Health Care Corporation

Krakovská 8; phone: 222 211 206/208; http://www.ghc.cz/en

Millenium Dental Care, Millenium Plaza

V Celnici 10; phone: 221 033 405; 724 222 255; http://www.mdc.cz/en/

Poliklinika na Národní

Národní 9; phone: 222 075 119/120; ; https://poliklinikanarodni.cz/

EUC Premium CZ, s.r.o.

Na Poříčí 1041/12; phone: 222 300 300; https://www.eucpremium.cz/en

Prague 4

EUC Premium CZ, s.r.o.

Lomnického 1705/5; phone: 222 300 300; https://www.eucpremium.cz/en

Canadian Medical Care

V Parku 2308/8; phone: 233 360 133; ; www.cmcpraha.com

American Dental Associates

Hvězdova 33; phone: 241 410 001; 733 737 337; ; http://www.americandental.cz

Prague 6


Na Dlouhém lánu 11, phone: 235 356 553;608 103 050; ; http://www.unicare.cz

Canadian Medical Care

Veleslavínská30/1, phone: 235 360 133; ; http://www.cmcpraha.com

Prague 8

EUC Premium CZ, s.r.o.

Sokolovská 192/79; phone:222 300 300; https://www.eucpremium.cz/en

Prague 11

Affidea Praha 4 – Chodov

Šustova 1930, phone: 267 090 811 - 14; ; http://www.affidea-praha.cz/en

Pharmacies with emergency service (24 hours) in Prague can be found here

You can find a list of general practitioners in Prague according to the National Register of Health Service Providers here.

You can find list of paediatricians in Prague according to the National Register of Health Service Providers here.

You can find a list of dentists in Prague according to the National Register of Health Service Providers here.

Healthcare in Plzeň

Foreign nationals employed at Charles University in Plzeň and their families may register with general practitioners at the University Hospital in Plzeň. Healthcare for English-speaking patients is handled by the offices of MUDr. Vojtěch.

University Hospital in Plzeň

Edvarda Beneše 1128/13

305 99 Plzeň – Bory

Pavilon 65, MUDr. Vojtěch, phone: +420 377 101 541

Emergency medical services in Plzeň:

EUC Klinika Plzeň (private)

Denisovo nábřeží 4, 301 00 Plzeň

phone: 378 218 300

Mon-Fri: 6 p.m.–6 a.m.

Sat, Sun, and holidays: non-stop

Emergency Medical Services for Adults Plzeň-Slovany

Francouzská tř. 2 and 4, 326 00 Plzeň;

phone: 377 243 000, 378 014 310

Mon-Fri: 6 p.m.–6 a.m.

Sat, Sun, and holidays: non-stop

Emergency dental services in Plzeň:

EUC Klinika Plzeň (private)

Denisovo nábřeží 4,

301 00 Plzeň; phone: 378 218 171 - 174

Mon-Fri: 6 p.m.– 12 midnight

Sat, Sun, and holidays: non-stop

Pharmacies with emergency service (24 hours) in Plzeň can be found here

You can find a list of general practitioners in Plzeň according to the National Register of Health Service Providers here.

You can find list of paediatricians in Plzeň according to the National Register of Health Service Providers here.

You can find a list of dentists in Plzeň according to the National Register of Health Service Providers here.

Healthcare in Hradec Králové

Emergency medical services in Hradec Králové:

University Hospital Hradec Králové

Sokolská 581, Hradec Králové; phone: 495 831 111

GP: Mon-Fri: 4 p.m.–10 p.m.

Sat, Sun, and holidays: 8 a.m.–7 a.m.

Emergency dental services in Hradec Králové:

Dental Emergency services

Sokolská 581, Hradec Králové; phone: 495 831 111

Mon-Fri: 4 p.m.–9:30 p.m.

Sat, Sun, and holidays: 8 a.m.–9:30 p.m.

Pharmacies with emergency service (24 hours) in Hradec Králové can be found here

You can find a list of general practitioners in Hradec Králové according to the National Register of Health Service Providers here.

You can find list of paediatricians in Hradec Králové according to the National Register of Health Service Providers here.

You can find a list of dentists in Hradec Králové according to the National Register of Health Service Providers here.

Last change: October 26, 2023 12:17 
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Czech Republic


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